黃開洋 Kai-Yang HUANG

PhD Student, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University

國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系 博士生

Research Interests 研究興趣

Geopolitics, Island History, Emotional Studies



Publications 出版

2023 [Ch](with Henry Wai-chung Yeung) From Canton, Singapore to U.K.: Prof. Henry Yeung’s Personal Life Sharing. GeogDaily. (與楊偉聰合著)從廣州、新加坡到英國:楊偉聰教授的學思歷程地理眼

2023 [Ch](with Henry Wai-chung Yeung) Prof. Henry Yeung New Book Release: Theorizing Knowledge and Its Meaning in Geography. GeogDaily. (與楊偉聰合著)楊偉聰教授分享新書:知識的理論化及其在地理學中的意義地理眼

2023 [En & Ch](with Jamie Peck) The outline of the Yang Nantsi Lecture: Jamie Peck’s discussion with geography postgraduate students. Bulletin of the Geographical Society of China. (與Jamie Peck合著)楊楠子人文學術講座紀要:傑米.派克(Jamie Peck)與臺大地理所研究生有約中華民國地理學會會刊

2022 [Ch]The Mirage on Min Sea: The Sensual Politics of Maritime Borderscape in Matsu Islands. In M.-F. Liu (Ed.), Conference Proceedings on 30th Anniversary of Lifting Civil Affairs Military Government and Transitional Justice of Kinmen and Matsu (pp.115-132). Kinmen: Kinmen-Matsu Joint Services Center, Executive Yuan (Reviewed paper). 閩海幻影:⾺祖海洋邊界景觀的感知政治 」。載於劉名峰(主編),金馬地區解除戰地政務30週年暨轉型正義學術研討會論文集(頁115-132)。金門縣:行政院金馬聯合服務中心(有審查機制)。

2022 [Ch](with Chi-Hsin Lee) Lienchiang County Self-Government Ordinances on Light Pollution Control, Astronomical Education Bulletin, 54, 12-14. (與李奇欣合著)「「光害管制自治條例」-馬祖」,天文教育,54,12-14。

2013 [Ch](with Che-Wei Wang, Yi-Shin Lin, Tsung-Lun Wan, Yu-Hsiu Lien, & Yen-Fu Lai) Looking Forward to the Rise of East Asia School-The Students’ Experience of Geographical Academic Exchanges between NTU and SNU. Bulletin of the Geographical Society of China, 51, pp. 67-84.  (與王策緯、林宜欣、萬宗綸、練聿修、賴彥甫合著)「期待東亞學派的興起:台大與首爾大地理系交流的學生所見」,中國地理學會會刊,51,頁67-84。

Awards/Grants 獎勵

2023 Travel Grant, IGU Thematic Conference on Islands in Relations: Conflicts, Sustainability, and Peace (USD $400) 國際地理學會關係中的島嶼:紛爭、永續性與和平主題會議旅行獎助(新台幣12,000元)

2023 Student Travel Award, Political Geography Specialty Group, AAG (USD $225) 美國地理學會政治地理專業組學生旅行獎(新台幣6750元)

2022 National Taiwan University Elite Doctoral Scholarship (USD $64,000 Grant) 國立臺灣大學椰林優秀博士生獎學金(新台幣192萬元)

2022 NTU Geography Cheng-Hung Top-Notch & Foundation-Laying Development Fund Doctoral Scholarship (USD $12,000 Grant) 國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系正泓拔尖紮根發展基金博士班新生獎學金(新台幣36萬元)

2022 Outstanding Youth, National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大學優秀青年

2022 Outstanding Youth, Lienchiang County 連江縣社會優秀青年

2016 First Prize, Outstanding Student Paper of the 6th Cross-Strait Economic Geography Conference (RMB $500 Grant) 第六屆海峽兩岸經濟地理學研討會優秀學生論文一等獎(人民幣500元)

Conference Papers and Invited Lectures 會議論文及演講

2023 “Islanded: The Political Affective Community in East-Asian Post-Developmental Island Society.” 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress. New Delhi: University of Delhi (North Campus). October 16th. 「孤島:東亞後發展島嶼社會的政治情感共同體」,第19屆國際人類學與民族學聯合會—世界人類學聯盟世界人類學大會,新德里:德里大學北校區。10月16日。

2023 “The Emotion of Memory: The Affective Communauté in the Borderland Archipelago.” 2023 TSAE Annual Meeting. Taipei: Institute of Ethology, Academia Sinica. September 23rd. 「記憶中的情緒:在邊境島嶼的情感共通體 」,臺灣人類學與民族學學會2023年會,台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。9月23日。

2023 “Waiting All Night Long: Sea, Emotions, and Memories from Ordinary Lives of Matsu Islands.” The International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic Conference on Islands in Relations: Conflicts, Sustainability, and Peace. Osaka: Osaka Metropolitan University (Sugimotojo Campus). April 6th. 「夙夜匪懈:馬祖群島常民的海洋、情緒與記憶」,國際地理學會關係中的島嶼:紛爭、永續性與和平主題會議,大阪:大阪公立大學杉本町校區。4月6日。

2023 “Waiting All Night Long: Sea, Emotions, and Memories from Ordinary Lives of Matsu Islands.” 2023 AAG Annual Meeting. Denver, CO: Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel I.M. Pei Tower. March 23rd. 「夙夜匪懈:馬祖群島常民的海洋、情緒與記憶」,2023年美國地理學會年會,丹佛:喜來登丹佛市中心飯店貝聿銘樓。3月23日。

2023 “Reluctant: The Affective Communauté of Bordered Islands.” 2023 PGSG Pre-Conference. Boulder, CO: UC Boulder. March 22nd. 「不淂已則鬥也:邊界島嶼的情動共通體」,2023年美國地理學會政治地理專業組會前研討會,博爾德:科羅拉多大學博爾德分校。3月22日。

2022 “Becoming Matsuese: Ocean, Emotion and Identity Memory.” 2022 Chinese Modern History Graduates Workshop (B). Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica. December 16th.「成為馬祖人:海洋、情緒與族群身份記憶」,2022年中國現代史研究生論文工作坊場次B,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所。12月16日。

2022 “Islands Not Meant to Be: Emotions and Memories to the Matsu Islands.” The 10th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography. Taipei: National Taiwan University. December 11th. 「不該有的島:馬祖群島的情感與記憶」,第十屆東亞批判性地理學研討會,台北:國立台灣大學。12月11日。

2022  “The Mirage on Min Sea: The Sensual Politics of Maritime Borderscape in Matsu Islands.” The Conference on 30th Anniversary of Lifting Civil Affairs Military Government and Transitional Justice of Kinmen and Matsu. Kinmen: National Quemoy University. November 5th. 「閩海幻影:⾺祖海洋邊界景觀的感知政治 」,金馬地區解除戰地政務30週年暨轉型正義學術研討會,金門:國立金門大學。11月5日。

2022 “Together in the Same Boat? A Brief Sensory History of Maritime Matsu.“ 2022 National Tsing Hua University Malaysia  International Volunteers. Online. July 21st. 「同舟共濟、還是同島一命?一段馬祖海洋的感知史」,111年清大馬來西亞國際志工團,線上,7月21日。

2022 “Heteroglossia: The Theory and Practice of Mother Tongue Teaching in Matsu.” The 22nd Annual International Conference of Cultural Studies Association. Taipei: National Taipei University of Education. March 20th. 「眾聲喧嘩:論述與實踐中的馬祖母語教學」,2022文化研究年會,台北:國立臺北教育大學,3月20日。

2022 “Mother Tongue School in Zhuluo.“ Babbles: National Language Culture Life Festival,  Ministry of Culture. Taipei: Taiwan Literature Base. February 19th. 「母語小學堂在珠螺」,文化部咿呀說:國家語言文化生活節 ,台北:臺灣文學基地,2月19日。

2021 Panelist, “The Sense of Pride in National Languages.” 2021 National Languages Development Convention  (Formal Convention). Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. October 9th. 與談人,「國家語言尊榮感」,2021國家語言發展會議(正式大會),台北:國立臺灣師範大學,10月9日。

2017 “The Geopolitics Rhetoric behind the Mawei-Matsu (Two-Ma) Lantern Festival.” The Third Workshop of the Geopolitical Economy of East Asian Developmentalism, EARCAG-GPE. Taipei: National Taiwan University. December 1st. 「兩馬同春鬧元宵的地緣政治論述」,第三屆東亞發展地緣政治經濟研討會,台北:國立臺灣大學,12月1日。

2017 “Min-Dong Culture as ‘Tradition:’ The Geopolitical Discourse of Mawei-Matsu (Two-Ma) Lantern Festival.” Geographies for Peace: IGU Thematic Conference. La Paz: Suites Camino Real. April 20th.

2016 “From ‘the Blessing of Maiden Home’? The Geopolitics Rhetoric behind the Mawei-Matsu (Taiwan) Lantern Festival” The 6th Cross-Strait Economic Geography Conference. Fuzhou: Fujian Normal University. June 25th.「來自『娘家的祝福』?兩馬同春鬧元宵的地緣政治論述分析」第六屆海峽兩岸經濟地理學研討會,福州:福建師範大學,6月25日。

2016 “A Blessing from Your Parents-In-Law: The Geopolitics Rhetoric behind the Mawei-Matsu (Taiwan) Lantern Festival.” 2016 AAG Annual Meeting. San Francisco: Hilton Hotel. April 2nd. 「來自『娘家的祝福』?兩馬同春鬧元宵的地緣政治論述分析」,2016年美國地理學會年會,舊金山:希爾頓飯店。4月2日。

2016 (with Ling-I Chu) “Building a Gateway to the Frontier of Globalizing China: The Mediated Practices of Border Control in Matsu.” 2016 AAG Annual Meeting. San Francisco: Hilton Hotel. March 29th. 「構建通往全球化中國邊疆的門戶:馬祖邊境管制的中介實踐」,2016年美國地理學會年會,舊金山:希爾頓飯店。3月29日。

Creative Writings 一般著作

2022 [Ch]Island Brew: Matsu Biennial 2021-2022. Lienchiang County: Department of Cultural Affairs, Lienchiang County Government. 「島嶼釀・馬祖國際藝術島 2021-2022」,馬祖國際藝術島官方導覽書。連江縣:連江縣政府文化局。

2022 [Ch]Mélange is also a Style. ARGI Monthly, 48(11), 60-61.「揉雜也是一種風格」,鄉間小路,48(11),60-61。

2022 [Ch]On Wild Grass in Foggy Days. ARGI Monthly, 48(7), 64-65.「霧季野草事」,鄉間小路,48(7),64-65。

2022 [En]Matsu Language: A Language Too Unique To Forget. Taiwan Insight, March 2022. 

2022 [Ch]The Reason on Moving. ARGI Monthly, 48(3), 64-65.「移動的理由」,鄉間小路,48(3),64-65。

2022 [Ch & Jp & Kr]Matsu Flavor in Brewed Time. New Fountain, 27, 66-73. (Reprinted in CHN, JPN, KOR Version of Taiwan Sightseeing Magazine)「時間發酵出的馬祖滋味」,新活水,27,66-73。(轉載至台灣觀光雜誌文版)

2021 [En]The “Lost Outlying Island“ of the Tachen Diaspora. Taiwan Insight, August 2021.

2020 [Ch]Granny Lan! Please Don’t Cry! Ningxiang Literature, 30, 20.「湖南-蘭奶奶,請您別哭了」,寧鄉文獻,30,20。(寧鄉文獻為台北市寧鄉同鄉會之會刊)

Projects 工作經歷

2023 Fall TA, History of Modern East Asia (Hist 1600) 112-1東亞現代史(Hist 1600)助教

2023 Spring TA, History of Modern East Asia (Hist 1600) 111-2東亞現代史(Hist 1600)助教

2022 PI, Phàng-Ngoung Theater – Matsu Mindong Language Cross-Generation Collaboration Project (Funded by Ministry of Culture, ROC) 盼嗡劇場——馬祖閩東語世代共創計畫主持人

2022-2019 PI, Matsu Youth Travel Spot Operation Project (Funded by Youth Administration, Ministry of Education, ROC) 馬祖青年壯遊點營運計畫主持人

2022 Co-I, Matsu Dark-Sky Tourism Promotion Project (Tendered by Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, ROC) 111年馬祖暗空觀光推廣計畫協同主持人

2021 PI, Phàng-Ngoung Club – Matsu Mindong Language Promotion Project (Funded by Ministry of Culture, ROC) 盼嗡俱樂部——馬祖閩東語推廣計畫主持人

2021 Co-I, Matsu International Dark-Sky Park Promotion Project (Tendered by Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, ROC) 110年馬祖國際暗空公園推動計畫協同主持人

2018 Co-PI, Youth Travel Spot DNA Experimental Project (Funded by Youth Administration, Ministry of Education, ROC) 107年青年壯遊點DNA試辦計畫共同主持人

2016 Fall TA, Method in Geographic Research (Geog 4007, 7110) 105-1研究方法(Geog 4007, 7110)助教

2016 Spring TA, Culture, Society and Nature (Geog 2015) 104-2文化、社會與自然(Geog 2015)助教

2015 Fall TA, Method in Geographic Research (Geog 4007) 104-1研究方法(Geog4007)助教

2015 Spring TA, Globalization Studies 101 (World Geography) (Geog 4020) 103-2全球化研究101(世界地理)(Geog 4020)助教

2015 Spring TA, Post-Mao Local Governance (China Geography) (Geog 7097) 103-2中國地方治理(中國地理)(Geog 7097)助教

2014 Fall TA, Method in Geographic Research (Geog 4007) 103-1研究方法(Geog4007)助教

Positions 社會服務

2023(to date) Delegate, Executive Yuan Advisory Board 行政院青年諮詢委員會委員

2023(to date) President, Matsu Youth Development Association 馬祖青年發展協會理事長

2022(to date) Director, Matsu Geopark Association 連江縣馬祖地質公園協會理事

2022(to date) Acting Executive Director, Matsu Youth Development Association 馬祖青年發展協會代理總幹事

2019-2022 Director, Matsu Youth Development Association 馬祖青年發展協會理事

2019-2022 Project Manager, Taiwan Dark-Sky Association 台灣暗空協會專案經理